Responsible Team
Last Update 11/06/2023
Completion Time 20 minutes
Members 19
  • ERP Backend Customization
    • ERP Backend First Week
    • ERP Backend Second Week
  • Models
    • How to create Model In Odoo?
    • Models
  • Access Rights
    • Access Rights
  • Fields
    • What is field in Odoo? and their different types
    • one2many
  • Views
    • Views in Odoo
    • List view
    • Kanban view
    • Form view
    • Search view
    • Calendar view
    • Dashboard view
    • Gantt view
    • Pivot view
    • Graph View
    • Grid Views
    • Cohort View
  • Window Actions
    • Window action
  • Menu Items
    • Menu item
  • ERP Python & Domain Filter
    • ERP Python & Domain Filter
  • Server Actions
    • Server Action
  • Automated Actions
    • Automated Action
  • Scheduled Actions
    • Scheduled Action
  • Email Templates
    • Email Templates
  • HTML / PDF Reports
    • Pdf Reports
  • External API & Postman
    • Odoo XML RPC
    • Odoo External API
  • Data Import / Export
    • Import / Export